The site is equipped with a first aid kit. There is at least 1 staff members at the site that is CPR/First Aid Certified. The Site Director will notify parents if there is evidence of serious injury or illness. A written record will be kept of all injuries and accidents requiring first aid. A copy of the accident report will be sent home to the parent/guardian with the child, and a copy will be kept on file. In case of emergency, illness, or injury to a child, the parent or guardian will be notified immediately.
If the parents/guardian cannot be reached immediately, the emergency numbers on the registration Form will be called. In the event of an emergency warranting medical attention or considered life threatening, the Site Director will call 911 or take other necessary emergency procedures. Parents/guardians and/or emergency contacts will be contacted as well.
If your child must take a prescription medication of any kind, you must notify the Site Director and complete a Medical Authorization Form. Over the counter medication will not be dispensed without a doctor’s written authorization. All medication should be given to the Site Director to ensure proper usage. Children are not permitted to have medication in their possession to take on their own. Medication will never be given to a child by a staff member without the proper written authorization. No medication will be dispensed unless it is in its original container. All medications will be dispensed in accordance with School Board and County Child Care & Licensing policies and procedures.
AAFST strives to maintain a staff to child ratio of 1 staff member for every 10 children; therefore, we can provide safer supervision and our staff members can be more responsive and nurturing to the children in their care.
All staff members must meet educational and experience requirements for the position that they hold. All child care personnel function under the direct supervision of the Site Director, an experienced child care professional who works on site to supervise the daily activities and safe operation of the program. Child care staff may include both County School Board and non-school board employees. Each staff member must be fingerprinted and background screened and meet the medical requirements set forth by law.
All staff will be requiring taking a mandatory 4 ½ hour orientation prior to beginning their position that focuses on methods and guidelines for working with children. They are then placed at a program to work with an experienced staff trainer for a period of 3 to 5 days. In addition, all staff are required to take the 40-hour Child Care Training course mandated by law, be certified in Pediatric CPR and First Aid and take 8 hours of in-service training yearly.